Building an Affiliate Website

An affiliate website can be a blog or content website or any type of website can host ads. Social Media can also be used to share income making affiliate links.

There are a jillion articles, blogs, and books about how to build an income producing website. Some of the most popular avenues in resent times are niche blogs or websites. Niche being drilling down to a specific subject, like not just baby clothes, but being specific – baptism outfits. Not just jewelry, but turquoise necklaces. I believe the idea is to focus, like focusing on a business idea to succeed, this keeps the entrepreneur from getting distracted by this cool item and that cool item, and running down multiple roads trying to be Amazon.

So how do you go about building an affiliate website. Work. It takes time, not much money, but time. If you are totally stumped by the Internet, I will say the road will be extremely hard, but not impossible. If you love to learn, then it’s a fun endeavor.

Truly I feel that you should learn to use the serious tools, such a WordPress. Becoming an affiliate marketing does require learning, how to buy a domain name, how to rent website hosting space, and how to write content, and of course, how to find affiliate merchants and how to place the affiliate code on your website, but there are WP Plugins to help with that. – It can and is being done by millions, so you can do it also, you just need some passion to learn.

So what about these services like Wealthy Affiliates and Solo Build It! – To my mind they are a lot like MLMs, if you enjoy this kind of format, fine use them, but there are less expensive ways, because so much information is free nowadays via the Internet. I personally tried Wealthy Affiliate and actually it was an okay platform, and I saved money on my multiple domains and web hosting costs, but there were several issues that caused me to stop using WA which might not be issues for other website owners.

This is not an instructional article, it’s simply saying, you can do it if you have the desire to learn how. Will you make money? I don’t believe affiliate websites are any get rich quick plan, but like anything, anyone can exceed beyond what others do, if they have the drive and passion and desire.

Do it because you enjoy it, and maybe you can build it to an income, but if not, it can be a fun hobby.